Karen Lee

Senior Director

Professional: CFP, FEPA

Clubs & Awards: MDRT Organisations - Ruby (2021), Pinnacle Club (2013-2015, 2017-2023), MDRT Agency (2018), FSM 2nd Runner up (2017), MDRT (2023), Prestige Titanium Club (2023), HNW Prestige Club-SPWM (2023)

This year (2020) marks my 20th year in GT Group. It has been quite a journey, but it is one that has taught me so much and shaped me into a more effective leader as I grew with GT Group. Some might question me as to why I have stayed in GT Group for 20 years, and my answer would be, “I love being part of a group where I can make a difference, learn from the best people and speak our minds freely.”

It’s the open-mindedness and supportive culture that has warmly embraced me. Hence, GT Group is where I belong and a place I can call home.

GT Group